Power filter board for Rpi does not work?

userHead Peter.Earnshaw 2023-02-23 00:37:06 176 Views1 Replies

I’m using an iFI audio iPowerX with adapter socket from a circular power Jack into the Pi USB-C input and it has worked fine for several years as a media server running Volumio; when plugged into the new dfrobot power filter HAT power socket the lights on the Pi fire up for about a second and then slowly fade out. But back into USB-C it works fine.

Is it faulty?

I’ve written to the tech support email address but not received any reply so posting here for advice. My reseller (the Pi hut) says I need to ask dfrobot for a diagnosis before they refund or replace it.

2023-02-23 11:30:31


Could you please try connect a more powerful power supply to Power Filter Board for Raspberry Pi 3B+/ 4B(DFR0940)? This fitler board may need more power to supply the board.

Hope it can help.



userHeadPic NeloKin