Firebeetle DFR0478 GPIO's going high during sleep

userHead Brett.Johnson 2023-03-04 07:47:51 608 Views2 Replies

I am trying to use a fire beetle ESP32 for a project that requires deep and light sleep. I need access to 7 digital output pins for my project. I am able to turn all digital pins high and low while the board is awake. However, when I enter either light or deep sleep D9,D8,D6,D5 all go to 2.5-3.3V during sleep even when the board is completely disconnected from my circuit. This is a problem because it is turning my circuity on in sleep mode. Does anyone have any thoughts?

2023-06-22 00:54:03


After browsing onthe web, I have found that ESP32 provides some APIs to hold the status of GPIO in sleep mode. For example, gpio_hold_en() can enable the GPIO pad hold function in both input and output modes, but it only supports output-capable GPIOs. In deep-sleep mode, the state of the digital GPIO cannot be held, and you need to call the gpio_deep_sleep_hold_en() function additionally. To disable the pad hold function, you can call the gpio_hold_dis() function.


hope it helps,


best regards

userHeadPic xingzhao.zhu
2023-03-05 22:53:39

You can disable the internal pull-up resistors on the affected GPIO pins before entering sleep mode. See if it helps.

userHeadPic bidrohini.bidrohini