Forum >BLE communication between Bluno and Nano 33 BLE
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BLE communication between Bluno and Nano 33 BLE

userHead Beatrice.Ethier 2023-03-19 10:21:02 795 Views1 Replies


I have a Bluno and an Arduino nano 33 BLE. Is it possible to use the Bluno as a master and the nano as a slave? Are they  compatible? And which library do i use to send data to the nano?



2023-06-02 22:34:36



The nano 33BLE has Bluetooth 5.0, so technically they could communicate. Unfortunately, we can only test Bluno at the moment. We recommend using two Bluno, which can be easily connected with AT commands.  This is the wiki for the Bluno: .It also contains tutorials on how to use AT commands. 


Best regards,


userHeadPic xingzhao.zhu