A02YYUM Waterproof ultrasonic sensor

A02YYUM ultrasonic sensor dont work with supplied Arduino code that is on Pdf datasheet
Someone can help me please?
I am also experiencing the same issue. I tried flipping the TX and RX pins and have also followed the wiring diagram on the wiki page.

If your Serial-monitor says ERROR then propably you have connected the wires opposite. Program says ERROR if connected opposite. I think there is mistake in DFRobot picture about connecting A02YYUW with those RX TX pins. Green wire is RX and blue is TX wire. And in your Arduino always connect TX to sensor's RX and opposite. TX=>RX and RX=>TX

Please change the baud rate of the serial monitor to 57600, and you will get the right result.
Could you please share a screenshot of your setting(board manager) and the error message? It can help us find the problem.

Arduino 1

Sorry ….Arduino UNO
You can first try hardserial connection, via TX and RX pins on the board.
SoftwareSerial library is included in arduino IDE, please download the 1.8.19 version.
The working sketch is provide in wiki, see the picture below.

Done: install 1.8.19 , moved pin 11 and 10 to TX and RX, downloaded sketch
Nothing change
Software Serial.h not found….SoftwareSerialTX only offered in manager
Which development board you are using? The example code only work for Arduino UNO.
I follow exactly WIKI page also for wiring.
The only different thing I find is library:
- your code ask for SoftwareSerial.h : impossible to find / dont exist- library I found is SoftwareSerialTX.h
Also following suggestion in this post I cannot success
Can you send me a working sketch please and right library?

Could you please follow the WIKI page of A02YYUW Waterproof Ultrasonic Sensor(SKU:SEN0311)?
See https://wiki.dfrobot.com/_A02YYUW_Waterproof_Ultrasonic_Sensor_SKU_SEN0311
Also, could you share your wiring? This can help us find the problem.