General Arduino

7x71 Flexible LED Display dfr0597 Library Limitations

userHead Felix.von der Weppen 2023-03-21 20:59:12 276 Views2 Replies

We planned an extensive project with flexible 7x71 displays and ran into sincere limitations with our test devices and the DFRobot_SerialScreen771 library.

The main problem is that any update to the message, color, speed, move-mode restarts the display. We need to update these variables based on dynamic values without interfering with the position of the letters and without blinking or a black screen in between.

Is there a way to overcome these limitations within the library or are there other options such as using Adafruit libraries which we can use to overcome these limitations?

We very much hope you can help.

- Arduino UNO WiFi R2

- dfr0597
2023-06-06 18:55:11

Hi, are you trying the codes as they are in this wiki page?

Or modifying something?

userHeadPic bidrohini.bidrohini
2023-06-06 18:33:34

Could you pls upload the sample program? This will help us solve problems faster.

userHeadPic jenna