
Arduino UNO with SIM7600

userHead Dirk.Vercauteren 2023-03-29 15:45:57 650 Views5 Replies

I am using the Arduino UNO for monitoring holiday houses (AC, water leaks etc)

Until now I used G GSM shields Elcrow from DF) without any problems
With the just bought SIM7600 shield I do have problems with the communication with the board.
I do get rubbisch as answer: 
          GSM is not Ready : 


          +CMT: "+32495592615","","23/`3/29,09:41:57+08"

I tried to change the speeds to lower than 115200 Bd but then I do not get only ????????????? answers

Can anybody help me out with this

this is the basic test code to check communication


#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial myserial(2, 3); //used  extra wiring to connect RX and TX to pin 2 and 3
void setup()
 myserial.begin(115200); //Initialize virtual serial port 
 Serial.begin(19200); //Initialize Arduino default serial port

icon Communication 43KB Download(0)
2023-10-07 02:14:46

I have the same problem, I receive symbols with errors:


+IPR: a15200


Any advice ? 


userHeadPic Pablo.Lucchetti
2023-06-27 15:24:48

I was getting same ???? On using a blue Aduino board changed with a board from sparkfun a Red board didn't get?????? could it be something to do with ftdi communication

userHeadPic Stephen.Russell
jenna wrote:

Does the baud rate of the serial monitor correspond to the baud rate set in the code? Can the SIM7600 shield work with PC ManagerV1.8_160412 software?

2023-06-27 16:01:23
1 Replies
2023-06-27 15:20:31

userHeadPic Stephen.Russell
2023-04-03 11:37:53

You can use "AT+IPR?" to query the current hardware baud rate to make sure your baud rate is set correctly. After determining the baud rate, use the "AT+CGPS" command to turn on the GPS, and finally enter "AT+CGPSINFO" to get the GPS data. Finally, please connect the antenna to use GPS outdoors otherwise the positioning will be inaccurate.

userHeadPic Miya.zhang