A02YYUW with ESP8622
I am looking for an example of A02YYUW with an ESP8622 board.
Thanks in advance.
The A02YYUW is just a Serial Port sensor. So the sample code of the Arduino could also used on the ESP8266.
wikipage: https://wiki.dfrobot.com/_A02YYUW_Waterproof_Ultrasonic_Sensor_SKU_SEN0311#target_5
The only problem of this code is that the ESP8266 could not use the software Serial Library that used on the Arduino.
But you could found lots of SoftSerial Library for the ESP32/ESP8266 on the Github.
And here is what I found:
So you just need to slightly change the sample of the wikipage.(Include the espsoftwareserial library, and Instantiate an object with a class from this library)
That should be good.
Yeez_BI dont know how you are programming your board, but maybe do it with Arduino IDE. Lot of examples