Do I have a faulty Firebeetle serial port?

userHead AJBB 2023-04-05 10:48:21 249 Views2 Replies

Hi all - any hints here?


I have and expected an ESP32 board with admittedly nice LiPO charring etc on board and a CH340 or CH910 type serial chip…. but I can NOT get serial comms to cork in order to program this thing!


Have tried Linux and Mac, where on both laptops another ESP board with CH340 chip will show up and program over serial, but the fire beetle just will not show up as a serial device on with machine.


The wiki doesn't show anything like having to hold a combination of buttons or jumpers to change modes… I have a broken one?  Anyone got any ideas?  I'm right now looking at the pinout to see if I can use a USBserial (FTDI chip) to UART to program it but I think the pins conflict with the built in USB chip….

2023-04-06 10:45:50

Thank you!  I just got the same board in yesterday and was having the same problem.  Had gone thru a few known good cables, and was only able to get serial connection if it was placed just right, as if it had a short in the connector.  Was getting fed up with it, which led me here and this seems to have been the case for me, too.   I just plugged in the cable from my ipad pro and its working perfectly.

userHeadPic krundlemoose
2023-04-05 12:10:27



Well - in the hope it helps someone else out, this was a USB-C cable issue.   I tried a total of SEVEN USB-A to USB-C cables before getting one that worked reliably.   Some of them worked OK with a phone connected to the computer for data, but there obviously are better and worse data cables, or the fire beetle board is less tolerant to a cheap cable.

userHeadPic AJBB