
DFR0548 (Micro bit driver expansion v2.0) + Smart Lens Ai

userHead Aist.list 2023-04-19 07:23:06 399 Views1 Replies

Hello, I am trying to connect a Smart AI Lens to a micro bit driver Expansion V2.0.


I use the RJ11 to dupont connection:

   The black wire to pin G of the I2c micro bit driver expansion.   The red wire to pin V of the I2c micro bit driver expansion.   The green wire to pin C of the I2c micro bit driver expansion.   The yellow wire to pin D of the I2c micro bit driver expansion.



The camera does not connect. Is the expansion card and camera compatible?


Thank you.

2023-06-07 02:30:40

Smart Lens Ai     DFR0548(IIC)

SCL                         C

SDA                         D

VCC                         V

GND                        G

Please pay attention to power the shield.

userHeadPic jenna