DFR0669 3.5” IPS capacitive Touchscreen Display on screen information refresh

userHead JurijsSklarevics 2023-04-21 00:54:02 518 Views1 Replies

Hello everyone.


1) I got firebeetle esp32-e first version and DFR0669 3.5” IPS capacitive Touchscreen Display. I want them to display information from some of the sensors. 

But when information is printed there all of the pixels staying on the screen. I tryed to find oled's analog like display.clearDisplay(); in library downloaded from this website, but did not succeed in this. Do anyone had something same or know how to sort this? screen.fillRect(); unfortunately not the option, as area selected is blinking.


2) Do will be enought of the strip which is coming with the screen for displaying and using touchscreen, or there should be addicional wires to be selected?


Thank you in advance for your help.


Kind regards



2023-05-16 11:07:27

1. Pls refer to the code. https://github.com/DFRobot/DFRobot_GDL/blob/master/examples/Basic/font/font.ino

2. FPC pins include the TCS.

userHeadPic jenna