
Some questions regarding the SEN0306 Radar sensor

userHead qwerty5645 2023-04-24 15:12:43 295 Views1 Replies

I'm interested in using the Radar sensor SEN0306 for proximity detection of obstacles in front of a moving object. However, unless you have a profound knowledge of radar technology, the tutorial at leaves some questions:


1. How does does the module detect multiple objects based on spectral lines exactly? From what I understood, every object throws back a phase shifted version of the transmitted signal and from the distance of this shift, the distance of the object is deduced. Is that about right?

2. Is the sensor able to penetrate objects? Is it possible that certain objects won't reflect at all?

3. I'd like to enclose the sensor in a weatherproof housing. Can it be covered with, say, 2-3 mm of ABS plastic and still function? 

4. What happens if you have more than 5 objects? Is the sensor guaranteed to at least return the closest one?

5. What happens if an object is closer than 50cm?

2023-06-05 10:54:25

The 24GHz FMCW microwave radar module uses Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) technology to detect multiple objects. The basic principle is to determine the distance of the target object by measuring the frequency difference between the transmitted and received signals. 

When multiple objects are present, the received reflected signal will contain different frequency components from each object. By analyzing the spectral lines, these different frequency components can be identified, allowing for the detection of multiple objects. The module uses microwave frequencies, providing some penetration capabilities. However, penetration is influenced by various factors, such as the material, thickness, and density of the object (excluding smoke, dust, thin non-metallic materials, etc., except for obstacles such as walls). Although this module has some penetration capabilities, it is primarily used for direct object detection rather than penetrating object detection. If penetration detection is required, other types of sensors can be considered. When detecting more than five objects, this module can still detect them. However, as the number of objects increases, signal processing and spectral line analysis become more complex. This may lead to a decline in detection performance, such as reduced resolution, increased false alarms, or decreased detection range. Ideally, this module can detect the closest object and return its distance.

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