

userHead Mikael Bergvall 2023-04-26 09:52:07 738 Views4 Replies

Hi, have some problem. Have a Beetle esp32 e and have Gravity: Analog Electrical Conductivity Sensor / Meter(K=10) and Analog PH. I can calibrate the PH sensor, but next time i restart the bord its like pH:inf. The ec i not manage to calibrate, just getting >>>Failed,Try Again<<< after my calec command. Some have a solution for this. Also tried theEEPROM cleaning. No resultat. Ideas?

2023-05-06 23:08:46

The ads module can help esp32-E read analog values more stably. It is recommended to use with the ads module, please refer to: 

userHeadPic jenna
2023-05-06 23:04:40

Does the sensors work with the ads module on the esp32-E?

userHeadPic jenna
2023-04-26 12:36:03

When I calibrate the sensors EC and PH on a UNO bord it works, But when a switch back to Beetle esp32 e the calibration dosent work and a cant calibrate on the Beetle esp32 e. So what to do? What is the best card for me to use in this case? 



userHeadPic Mikael Bergvall
2023-04-26 09:53:37
userHeadPic Mikael Bergvall