
SIM7000 - Serial interface getting "Faile to set baud rate" using example code

userHead PD2023 2023-04-26 22:30:54 291 Views3 Replies


I'm using the example code from the Wiki here:

and it's not able to set the baud rate. 



Using an Arduino Uno R3

I've verified that the switch is in the RX→ D7 TX→D8 positionI haven't modified the code from the wiki at allI don't have an external PSU connected, but it dose appear to be powered up via the Arduino. I don't have a suitable one available at the moment.


My question is: Do I actually need the external power supply? If not, what else might be wrong?


Thanks for any help or suggestions!


2023-04-27 19:28:37

This wasn't Solved! I'm posting again because I can't see a way to remove the solved tag. I'll use the same title so it turns up in the same searches

userHeadPic PD2023
2023-04-27 10:26:28

Check whether an external power supply is connected. Input Voltage: 7-12VDC  (VIN range: 6-20V). 


Pls see the sim7000 NB-IoT Expansion Shield FAQ【DFR0572/DFR0505】- DFRobot Forum

userHeadPic jenna
2023-04-26 22:47:03

Here's a screenshot of the Arduino IDE Serial Monitor output for reference


userHeadPic PD2023