
SIM7000 - Serial interface getting "Faile to set baud rate" using example code [2nd attempt]

userHead PD2023 2023-04-27 19:26:40 558 Views2 Replies

I'm using the example code from the Wiki here:

and it's not able to set the baud rate. 


The error message is “Faile to set baud rate” (sic)

I've followed the HW & SW requirements exact and used the example code without modification.


Do I have a faulty device, or am I missing something? 

Attached screenshot of Adruino IDE with code and Serial Monitor panels 



2023-05-04 22:22:27

I think the baud rate is not set to 19200. To set the baud rate to a desired value, you have to use the AT command


userHeadPic bidrohini.bidrohini
2023-05-04 14:53:33

userHeadPic jenna