
Controlling a TB6600 Microstep Driver using a Microbit

userHead Marty.Bates 2023-05-08 05:23:58 439 Views5 Replies

Hi folks. I need to control a NEMA17 stepper motor and I have a TB6600 Microstep driver, that I know can power it. I'm hoping to use a Microbit to send the control signals to the TB6600. Does anyone know if this is even possible. From what I have seen online, the TB6600 is usually controlled using an Arduino. Perhaps the Microbit doesn't have the necessary resources to do the job. Please correct me if I am wrong, but I do believe that the TB6600 will respond to a 3.3v signal, but it would make it much easier to write the code if there was a Makecode extension for the TB6600. Does anybody know if there is one available. I couldn't find one in the Makecode extension library.

I would really appreciate if someone could advise me on this. 

Thanks in advance,


2023-05-10 12:09:00

I checked the relevant information, and found no Makecode extension library available for TB6600. 


I checked the Arduino sample code for TB6600 & Arduino uno. The TB6600 requires three control pins. When “EN” is Low, the motor is in a free state (Off-line mode). In this mode, you can manually adjust the motor shaft position; when “EN” is High (Vacant), the motor will be in an automatic control mode.

"Direction" is the motor direction signal pin,"PULSE" is the motor pulse signal pin. Once the driver gets a pulse, the motor moves a step.

You can try to drive TB6600 directly with micro bit's Makecode block, please refer to the example:

P0——>enable, P1——>direction, P2——>PUL   

You can also try changing the pin. 



userHeadPic jenna
Marty.Bates wrote:

Dear Jenna, I have been busy at other things for the fast week, but I just spotted your reply. Using your suggestions, and the Makecode blocks, I actually managed to finally get it working. It needs a little fine tuning, but it works. I can't thank you enough for your determination and assistance. I really appreciate your help. Thank you. ;)

2023-05-18 08:18:56
1 Replies
2023-05-09 03:16:23

Jenna, thanks for the reply.I should have mentioned that the stepper motor that I want to control, requires a 24V supply. That's why I need to use the TB6600 microstep driver. That DFR0548 motor controller, appears to have a max supply voltage of 5.5v DC, so I doubt that it would suit my application. The Graphical block software library that you directed me to on GitHub, would be very handy if one was using that controller board. If only there was something similar that I could use for the TB6600 driver board that I have. Any suggestions welcome.

userHeadPic Marty.Bates
2023-05-08 11:09:58
userHeadPic jenna
2023-05-08 11:09:41

pls check the micro:Driver - Driver Expansion Board: 


userHeadPic jenna