
TB6600 component for Fritzing

userHead Carlu.Valery 2023-05-15 00:33:39 1290 Views5 Replies

I bought a TB6600 driver. 
I would like to keep my projects on Ftitzing, but I cannot find the TB6600 component! 
I see that it is used on the page
Could someone send it to me?
Thanks for your help

icon 95KB Download(0)
2023-05-20 00:04:10

Thank you for your interest in the TB6600 driver. Unfortunately, we do not have a component for Fritzing available. However, there is a schematic diagram on our wiki page that may be helpful to you. Alternatively, you could try looking at other Fritzing components and use them as an example if you plan to create your own component for this driver. We hope this information helps. If you have any other questions or need any further assistance, please feel free to contact us.

userHeadPic Juna.Miles
2023-05-16 21:43:45

You can make this drawing using proteus of microsoft  paint. 

userHeadPic bidrohini.bidrohini
Carlu.Valery wrote:

Proteus only works on Windows. And I'm on Mac! But while searching, I found KiCad. Not as easy to approach as Fritzing, but Opensource and more powerful. I tryThanks again for all these answers

2023-05-19 15:30:35
1 Replies
2023-05-15 17:42:56


userHeadPic Carlu.Valery
2023-05-15 09:22:19

Sorry, we don't have Fritzing components for this one.This is likely to be a component drawn directly with a drawing tool, because only some simple lines exist.

userHeadPic Yeez_B