
Set Mode for ambient light sensor Bluxv30b

userHead Khiêm.Lâm 2023-05-17 19:09:08 259 Views3 Replies


I am using bluxv30b sensor with Arm MCU. The data return OK from range 0-5000 lux, but light > 5000 lux then data return is overrange and it work at default mode.

I try use readMode() function to get current mode, but mode return always change, unstable.


SetMode() function have 3 parameters: isManualMode, isCDR and isTime

    uint8_t setMode(uint8_t isManualMode=0,uint8_t isCDR=0,uint8_t isTime=0)

I don't clear for them. what is their mean? How to set mode right?


Thanks verry much!

2023-05-19 11:55:44

userHeadPic Khiêm.Lâm
2023-05-18 17:44:39

I think you could find such data in the .h file in the Github:


userHeadPic Yeez_B
Khiêm.Lâm wrote:

Yes, I seen.

I try use readMode() function to get current mode, but mode return always change, unstable.

So I don't sure that i set mode correctly.

Can you give a code to test read and set mode function?

2023-05-19 11:59:00
1 Replies