Sigma WiFi Antennas

userHead j.puls 2023-05-20 11:35:59 697 Views3 Replies

With my LattePanda Sigma I'm having trouble fitting the supplied wifi antennas to the wifi module. I canot connect either antenna to either connector on the module. I've tried several times. Does anyone have any suggestions? Are there any antennas available which will more easily connect to the module? Windows 11 seems to work fine without the antennas, but Ubuntu is a bit spotty; it only shows the minimum signal indication. The LattePanda is less than 3 m from the wifi hot spot. Thanks!

2023-06-21 17:51:02

Did you buy FIT0657 or FIT0822? 

Please refer to this picture for the installation method.

userHeadPic jenna
2023-06-21 17:30:05


There are many kinds of Wireless USB Adapters available on Amazon. There are also laptop wifi antennae that you can buy and fit on your LP board. Both would work for your case.

Best regards


userHeadPic xingzhao.zhu
2023-05-20 11:44:26

With my LattePanda Sigma I'm having trouble fitting the supplied wifi antennas to the wifi module. I cannot connect either antenna to either connector on the module. I've tried several times. Does anyone have any suggestions? Are there any antennas available which will more easily connect to the module? Windows 11 seems to work fine without the antennas, but Ubuntu is a bit spotty; it only shows the minimum signal indication. The LattePanda is less than 3 m from the wifi hot spot. Thanks!

userHeadPic j.puls