

userHead abass 2023-05-26 12:58:01 725 Views2 Replies

just got the WIFI_IOT module, firstly the uart does not seems to be working, cause i kept getting “init error !!!!” so i switched to the I2C mode which passed the IOT.begin test but not the IOT.connectWifi test cause i keep getting “getWifiState() : 435” which i dont know what it means

2023-05-26 20:10:40

After switching communication protocols using the toggle switch, you need to power up the module again for the settings to take effect. Please try connecting to a mobile hotspot or another network, and double-check the Wi-Fi password and username. It is recommended to use the example code provided.

userHeadPic jenna
abass wrote:

Thanks for the reply, it was a simple error in the hotspot pswd, but is any codde snippet on how the HTTPpost and HTTPget works 

2023-05-27 00:29:54
1 Replies