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Dissolved Oxygen Sensor on ESP12

userHead Account cancelled 2017-11-13 21:43:16 4019 Views0 Replies
I am trying to use the dissolved oxygen sensor https://www.dfrobot.com/product-1628.html on ESP12 through an ADS1115 and editing the example code on its wiki page but all I get is infmg/l but when I do a simple analog read the value changes but obviously, I get the wrong value I have also tried using the built-in ADC of the ESP12
Code: Select all
 DFRobot Gravity: Analog Dissolved Oxygen Sensor / Meter Kit for Arduino
 This example reads the concentration of dissolved oxygen in water.
 The saturated oxygen calibration is available by UART commends with NL & CR:
 calibration  ----  enter the calibration mode
 satcal       ----  calibrate the parameters with saturated oxygen value
 exit         ----  exit the calibration mode
 Created 2017-5-22
 By Jason <[email protected]@dfrobot.com>
 GNU Lesser General Public License.
 See <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> for details.
 All above must be included in any redistribution
 /***********Notice and Trouble shooting***************
 1. This code is tested on Arduino Uno and Leonardo with Arduino IDE 1.0.5 r2 and 1.8.2.
 2. More details, please click this link: <https://www.dfrobot.com/wiki/index.php/Gravity:_Analog_Dissolved_Oxygen_Sensor_SKU:SEN0237>

#include <pgmspace.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_ADS1015.h>
Adafruit_ADS1115 ads (0x48);

//#define DoSensorPin  A1    //dissolved oxygen sensor analog output pin to arduino mainboard
#define VREF 5000    //for arduino uno, the ADC reference is the AVCC, that is 5000mV(TYP)
float doValue;      //current dissolved oxygen value, unit; mg/L
float temperature = 25;    //default temperature is 25^C, you can use a temperature sensor to read it

#define EEPROM_write(address, p) {int i = 0; byte *pp = (byte*)&(p);for(; i < sizeof(p); i++) EEPROM.write(address+i, pp[i]);}
#define EEPROM_read(address, p)  {int i = 0; byte *pp = (byte*)&(p);for(; i < sizeof(p); i++) pp[i]=EEPROM.read(address+i);}

#define ReceivedBufferLength 20
char receivedBuffer[ReceivedBufferLength+1];    // store the serial command
byte receivedBufferIndex = 0;

#define SCOUNT  30           // sum of sample point
int analogBuffer[SCOUNT];    //store the analog value in the array, readed from ADC
int analogBufferTemp[SCOUNT];
int analogBufferIndex = 0,copyIndex = 0;

#define SaturationDoVoltageAddress 12          //the address of the Saturation Oxygen voltage stored in the EEPROM
#define SaturationDoTemperatureAddress 16      //the address of the Saturation Oxygen temperature stored in the EEPROM
float SaturationDoVoltage,SaturationDoTemperature;
float averageVoltage;

const float SaturationValueTab[41] PROGMEM = {      //saturation dissolved oxygen concentrations at various temperatures
14.46, 14.22, 13.82, 13.44, 13.09,
12.74, 12.42, 12.11, 11.81, 11.53,
11.26, 11.01, 10.77, 10.53, 10.30,
10.08, 9.86,  9.66,  9.46,  9.27,
9.08,  8.90,  8.73,  8.57,  8.41,
8.25,  8.11,  7.96,  7.82,  7.69,
7.56,  7.43,  7.30,  7.18,  7.07,
6.95,  6.84,  6.73,  6.63,  6.53,

void setup()
    readDoCharacteristicValues();      //read Characteristic Values calibrated from the EEPROM

void loop()
   static unsigned long analogSampleTimepoint = millis();
   if(millis()-analogSampleTimepoint > 30U)     //every 30 milliseconds,read the analog value from the ADC
     analogSampleTimepoint = millis();
     analogBuffer[analogBufferIndex] = ads.readADC_SingleEnded(0);    //read the analog value and store into the buffer
     if(analogBufferIndex == SCOUNT) 
         analogBufferIndex = 0;
   static unsigned long tempSampleTimepoint = millis();
   if(millis()-tempSampleTimepoint > 500U)  // every 500 milliseconds, read the temperature
      tempSampleTimepoint = millis();
      //temperature = readTemperature();  // add your temperature codes here to read the temperature, unit:^C
   static unsigned long printTimepoint = millis();
   if(millis()-printTimepoint > 1000U)
      printTimepoint = millis();
        analogBufferTemp[copyIndex]= analogBuffer[copyIndex];
      averageVoltage = (getMedianNum(analogBufferTemp,SCOUNT) * 0.1875)/1000; // read the value more stable by the median filtering algorithm
      doValue = pgm_read_float_near( &SaturationValueTab[0] + (int)(SaturationDoTemperature+0.5) ) * averageVoltage / SaturationDoVoltage;  //calculate the do value, doValue = Voltage / SaturationDoVoltage * SaturationDoValue(with temperature compensation)
      Serial.print(F(",  DO Value:"));
   if(serialDataAvailable() > 0)
      byte modeIndex = uartParse();  //parse the uart command received
      doCalibration(modeIndex);    // If the correct calibration command is received, the calibration function should be called.

boolean serialDataAvailable(void)
  char receivedChar;
  static unsigned long receivedTimeOut = millis();
  while ( Serial.available() > 0 ) 
    if (millis() - receivedTimeOut > 500U) 
      receivedBufferIndex = 0;
    receivedTimeOut = millis();
    receivedChar = Serial.read();
    if (receivedChar == '\n' || receivedBufferIndex == ReceivedBufferLength)
  receivedBufferIndex = 0;
  return true;
        receivedBuffer[receivedBufferIndex] = receivedChar;
  return false;

byte uartParse()
    byte modeIndex = 0;
    if(strstr(receivedBuffer, "CALIBRATION") != NULL) 
        modeIndex = 1;
    else if(strstr(receivedBuffer, "EXIT") != NULL) 
        modeIndex = 3;
    else if(strstr(receivedBuffer, "SATCAL") != NULL)   
        modeIndex = 2;
    return modeIndex;

void doCalibration(byte mode)
    char *receivedBufferPtr;
    static boolean doCalibrationFinishFlag = 0,enterCalibrationFlag = 0;
    float voltageValueStore;
      case 0:
         Serial.println(F("Command Error"));
      case 1:
      enterCalibrationFlag = 1;
      doCalibrationFinishFlag = 0;
      Serial.println(F(">>>Enter Calibration Mode<<<"));
      Serial.println(F(">>>Please put the probe into the saturation oxygen water! <<<"));
     case 2:
         Serial.println(F(">>>Saturation Calibration Finish!<<<"));
         EEPROM_write(SaturationDoVoltageAddress, averageVoltage);
         EEPROM_write(SaturationDoTemperatureAddress, temperature);
         SaturationDoVoltage = averageVoltage;
         SaturationDoTemperature = temperature;
         doCalibrationFinishFlag = 1;

        case 3:
               Serial.print(F(">>>Calibration Successful"));
              Serial.print(F(">>>Calibration Failed"));       
            Serial.println(F(",Exit Calibration Mode<<<"));
            doCalibrationFinishFlag = 0;
            enterCalibrationFlag = 0;

int getMedianNum(int bArray[], int iFilterLen) 
      int bTab[iFilterLen];
      for (byte i = 0; i<iFilterLen; i++)
    bTab[i] = bArray[i];
      int i, j, bTemp;
      for (j = 0; j < iFilterLen - 1; j++) 
    for (i = 0; i < iFilterLen - j - 1; i++) 
      if (bTab[i] > bTab[i + 1]) 
    bTemp = bTab[i];
          bTab[i] = bTab[i + 1];
    bTab[i + 1] = bTemp;
      if ((iFilterLen & 1) > 0)
  bTemp = bTab[(iFilterLen - 1) / 2];
  bTemp = (bTab[iFilterLen / 2] + bTab[iFilterLen / 2 - 1]) / 2;
      return bTemp;

void readDoCharacteristicValues(void)
    EEPROM_read(SaturationDoVoltageAddress, SaturationDoVoltage);  
    EEPROM_read(SaturationDoTemperatureAddress, SaturationDoTemperature);
    if(EEPROM.read(SaturationDoVoltageAddress)==0xFF && EEPROM.read(SaturationDoVoltageAddress+1)==0xFF && EEPROM.read(SaturationDoVoltageAddress+2)==0xFF && EEPROM.read(SaturationDoVoltageAddress+3)==0xFF)
      SaturationDoVoltage = 1127.6;   //default voltage:1127.6mv
      EEPROM_write(SaturationDoVoltageAddress, SaturationDoVoltage);
    if(EEPROM.read(SaturationDoTemperatureAddress)==0xFF && EEPROM.read(SaturationDoTemperatureAddress+1)==0xFF && EEPROM.read(SaturationDoTemperatureAddress+2)==0xFF && EEPROM.read(SaturationDoTemperatureAddress+3)==0xFF)
      SaturationDoTemperature = 25.0;   //default temperature is 25^C
      EEPROM_write(SaturationDoTemperatureAddress, SaturationDoTemperature);