Speech Synthesis Gravity Module 2.0
I am using my brand new Gravity Speech 2.0 DFR0760 module.
I have read in the documentation of the XFS5152 that it has the ability to generate sounds (like telephone rings or sounds from 1980 arcade games) using the command “[x1]sound101 sound102 sound103 sound104 sound105 sound106”
However, I cannot make the module generate sounds. It will pronounce the text outside of the square brackets and pronouce: “sound 1 0 4”,…..
Can you confirm if the module should be able to generate sounds?
Thanks Jenna.
I think this settles it:
The “[x1]” command is not supported by the Gravity Module version 2.0
Thanks for your help.
Are you able to confirm if the Gravity Speech 2.0 module supports the "[x1]" command to generate sounds?
It is a simple question and a simple Yes or No answer would suffice.
I checked the DFRobot_SpeechSynthesis_V2.cpp of this product and found no code or description about [x?]. I'm afraid this product can't call the function about [x?].
Please refer to the commands given in our tutorial. We've tested it and it works.
ss.speak(F("[h1]Hello [h2]world"));
I am using the library for the V2 module (i.e. the library that you indicated).
However the documentation from DFRobot only mentions these commands:
There is NO mention of a command “[x0]” or “[x1]”.
The standard documentation for the XFS5152CE (https://cdn.hackaday.io/files/1907328160277888/XFS5152CE_en.pdf) states on page 43 that the module should accept “[x1]” to generate sounds:
So my question to you is: Is the command “[x?]” supported by the Gravity Speech Module V2.0
Your library does not contain any command with this string/instruction either.
Hugues.LecoeucheHello, I request you to check the module with the code given in this wiki page:
If it works, then you can be sure that there is no problem with your module. You will need to check your code.