General ArduinoGravity

Reading Files from Gravity Serial Logger from Arduino

userHead Ben_s.Tanen 2023-06-23 21:32:41 286 Views2 Replies

I know that the SD.h library for Arduino allows the microcontroller to read information stored in an SD card. I was wondering if the Gravity Serial Logger gives the same functionality i.e can users both store and read data from flash memory?

2023-06-23 22:02:12

Sorry, to clarify I'm wondering if data can be read by the Arduino directly such as is the case with SD data storage. Sorry for the confusion and thanks for the reply!

userHeadPic Ben_s.Tanen
2023-06-23 21:46:29

Yep.  Serial logger allows user to store data by serial.print method and data can be retrived from stored file via USB. 

userHeadPic R2D2C3PO