
Need help enabling I2C communication on Maixduino K210 board

userHead YASH.JANI 2023-06-24 14:25:56 206 Views3 Replies

Hello everyone,



I'm working on a project with the Maixduino K210 board and I need to enable I2C communication to interface with other devices. I've been searching for information and tutorials on how to do this, but I could use some guidance or a step-by-step explanation.


I have the MaixPy IDE set up and I'm familiar with Python programming. However, I'm not sure how to properly initialize the I2C bus and start communicating with I2C devices. Specifically, I need to connect to an I2C sensor with an address of 0x68.


Could someone please provide me with instructions or code snippets on how to enable I2C communication on the Maixduino K210 board? Here are a few specific questions I have:


1.Which libraries or modules do I need to import to work with I2C on the MaixPy firmware?2.How do I initialize the I2C bus with the appropriate parameters such as bus number, clock speed,       SDA pin, and SCL pin?3.How can I scan for connected I2C devices and retrieve their addresses?4.Once I have the I2C device address, how do I read data from or write data to the device? 

I appreciate any help or guidance you can provide. If you have any code examples or tutorials that explain the process step-by-step, that would be really helpful.


Thank you in advance!


2023-06-26 18:21:04

Subject: Request for Assistance: Enabling I2C Communication on Maixduino K210 Board



Hello Everyone,



I hope this email finds you well. I am reaching out to seek guidance on how to enable I2C communication on my Maixduino K210 board. I recently received some data that requires the use of I2C, but I'm unsure about the steps involved in enabling this functionality.


I would greatly appreciate it if you could provide me with detailed instructions or guidance on how to enable I2C communication on the Maixduino K210 board. I am eager to explore and utilize this capability for my project, and your expertise in this matter would be invaluable.


Additionally, if there are any specific software or firmware updates I need to apply to the board to enable I2C, please include those details as well. Any relevant documentation or references to external resources would be highly appreciated.


Thank you very much for your time and assistance. I look forward to your prompt response. Please let me know if you require any further information from my end.



Thank you in advance!

userHeadPic YASH.JANI
jenna wrote:


This wiki is programmed based on Maixpy software. The I2C bus protocol is detailed in the wiki, including init(), scan(), readfrom(), writeto(), and other functions. You can also try the sample code given in the wiki. If you are new to Maixpy, you can read this part.



2023-06-27 10:31:25
1 Replies
2023-06-25 13:55:47

pls check the wiki:



userHeadPic jenna