Forum >DFR0379 DC-DC buck converter board : cannot enter calibration mode

DFR0379 DC-DC buck converter board : cannot enter calibration mode

userHead Jonathan.Huegi 2023-06-30 23:05:09 430 Views5 Replies

Hi, I have a bunch of DFR0379 boards and they are all slightly differently calibrated 


Input : 12.0V in, reporting bewteen 12 and 11.8V

Output : 0.2V offset both way depending on boards


I have no issue with that, except I can't enter the calibration mode to at least make all boards report the same values.


What I tried :


Push button for anywhere from 3 to 30 seconds, only the display turns off but nothing else happens (LEDs don't switch from OUT to IN for example, and display doens't turn back on to accept my input).


Tried the above steps both with and without a load at the output.


Any help appreciated, thanks !

2023-07-01 01:54:30

Is the production date marked on the product packaging? 

 Please note that the input voltage must be 1.5V higher than the output voltage. If the module is overheated, it needs a heatsink to dissipate heat.

userHeadPic jenna
Jonathan.Huegi wrote:

No production date marked. Bought through Digikey a couple of weeks ago.Input is ≥1.5V output. Total output power is ~2W and only on for 1-5min every 1-120min in a room temperature well ventilated area, so I'm confident it's not overheating.


The website / TDS (for example  say I should be able to calibrate the input and output to get a more precise voltage reading on the display. But I am unable to enter that calibration mode.

2023-07-04 04:47:33
jenna wrote:

Sorry, the latest version of DFR0379 does not have the calibration function.

2023-07-06 00:38:54
2 Replies
2023-07-01 01:50:24

This product has been revised, and it used to be a long press button to enter the voltage adjustment mode. 

But now long press only the screen off function.The new version of DFR0379 can adjust the voltage output through the onboard screw.

userHeadPic Yeez_B
Jonathan.Huegi wrote:

I am able to adjust the output voltage through the potentiomerer, that is not my issue. Maybe I'm misunderstanding something, but the TDS 

say there's a calibration mode where I, as far as I understand, I would be able to tune the display so it's reporting a more exact value. Currently it's off by 0.4V which is quite a lot proportionally when adjusting for a 5 or 6V out.

2023-07-04 04:50:40
1 Replies