
'C' instruction to send multi-byte command

userHead Richard.Lincoln 2023-07-04 00:12:37 125 Views1 Replies

Hello Forum,

I have an Arduino related question.  What is the ‘C’ language instruction to send a multi-byte command from an Arduino GPIO port to a device?  Thank you in advance for your assistance.

2023-07-04 14:34:09


In Arduino or most of the MCU like Arduino, they use the Serial output pin to transfer multi-byte data.

You could refer to the official docs for Arduino to get to know about the Serial output.


It's Serial.print()


And if you feel the Hardware Serial is not enough for you, cuz you want to connect more than one Serial Sensor.

The Arduino provides a software Serial library, you could init some of the GPIO(Not all of them) as your SoftSerial.

You could also refer to the SoftwareSerial Doc for detail:


They have also provide a sample code for it.



userHeadPic Yeez_B