Forum >SEN0343 invisible

SEN0343 invisible

userHead ThierrySolignac 2023-07-18 07:05:23 563 Views8 Replies


I have a SEN0343 differential pressure sensor with I2C communication.

I followed exactly the wiring here±500pa_SKU_SEN0343


I am using it with an ESP32 WROOM.

When I scan my IC2, I just see my 2 others sensors but not the differential pressure sensor SEN0343. 


I try with VCC 3,3v and 5v but nothing is working, this sensor is desesperatly not here .


Where is coming from?


Do someone met the same issue?


Thank you in advance

2023-07-20 08:36:22

Hi Jenna, 

I have a last question.

what will give more the data via the filter with the command data = lwlp.getfilterData();?

Where may I find the answer?

Thank you again for your support. 

userHeadPic ThierrySolignac
jenna wrote:



You can find more information about this function in DFRobot_LWLP.cpp. Hope that helps.

2023-07-20 18:04:58
1 Replies
2023-07-20 07:48:01

Hello Jenna , following your question I checked the I2C scanner:



#include <Wire.h>



void setup()





while (!Serial); // Leonardo: wait for serial monitor

Serial.println("\nI2C Scanner");




void loop()


byte error, address;

int nDevices;




nDevices = 0;

for(address = 1; address < 127; address++ ).  




error = Wire.endTransmission();


if (error == 0)


Serial.print("I2C device found at address 0x");

if (address<16)



Serial.println(" !");




else if (error==4)


Serial.print("Unknown error at address 0x");

if (address<16)





if (nDevices == 0)

Serial.println("No I2C devices found\n");




delay(5000); // wait 5 seconds for next scan


I changed “1 ” for “0” right now and you were right. Now the scanner see the device :)

userHeadPic ThierrySolignac
2023-07-19 02:18:28

Hello Sir

Thank you for your repply.

In fact,when i am using an I2C scanner, i dont see it at all.

I can see my other I2C sensor but not this one.

I tried with different  wires and it doesn't change anything.

In fact i have 2 sen0343 sensor and no one is working. Same issue for both

userHeadPic ThierrySolignac
jenna wrote:



1. You might give it a try using a multimeter to check the soldered pins on the sensor, it could help eliminate any issues with the wiring.


2. According to the sensor's compatibility chart, it's compatible with ESP32. 


3. Could you possibly upload the I2C_scan code via Google Drive? I guess the program does not check the 0x00 address.

2023-07-19 18:34:58
1 Replies
2023-07-19 01:33:20



1. Please check if there is any bad contact in the circuit, including wires, soldering pins.


2. I2C Address: 0x00


The address of this module is 0x00, please be careful not to make a mistake. For the code, you can refer to:

userHeadPic jenna
bidrohini.bidrohini wrote:

Does he/she need to add pull-up resistors?

2023-07-19 07:34:24

Can the address be changed?  


The address is 0x00.  I was under the impression that there are 10 reserved addresses, and 0x00 is one of those.   See,are%20reserved%20for%20special%20purposes.


The choice of 0x00 as the i2c addresses seems problematic.  Am I missing something?


BTW, I'm attempting to use this sensor with a raspberry pi.   I was eventually able to detect the sensor using i2cdetect on linux.  However, I had to use the -a option (force scanning of non-regular addresses).  

2024-01-22 14:04:00
2 Replies