
Light Disc with 7 SMD RGB LED Connected to an Arduino Pi Pico

userHead bryce.lindstrom 2023-07-19 10:56:45 116 Views3 Replies

Try to do something very simple but struggling. 

Just trying to do testing with a Light Disc with 7 SMD RGB LED Connected to an Arduino Pi Pico. 

Using the following code. I have included a photo of our setup. The code goes on but we aren't getting any lights. 


Any help would be much appreciated. 



int B = 3; //Connect Blue led to Digital pin 3
int R = 5;//Connect Red led to Digital pin 5
int G = 6;//Connect Green led to Digital pin 6

//Connect the 5V pin of light disc to GND Pin of Arduino

void setup()

void loop()


2023-07-21 12:05:50

Thanks for your reply. LED lights power up fine when installing code (i think they're meant to flash to acknowledge this has happened). So I don't think it's a power supply issue. 

userHeadPic bryce.lindstrom
jenna wrote:




I checked the information on Arduino Pico. Please try the analogWrite() function, it might work.

This is the document of random(). The random function generates pseudo-random numbers.


The ADC bit of RP2040 is 12bit and the range of ADC is 4096.


pls try this code.


int B = 3; 



int R = 5;



int G = 6;



void setup() {  









pinMode(6,OUTPUT); }






void loop() {  












delay(80); }



2. I checked the information on Arduino Pico and found that its pin current is relatively small. Compared with the current specification of the 7 SMD RGB LED, this may cause the LED not to be driven.





2023-07-21 18:53:17
1 Replies
2023-07-19 16:30:39



LED Power Supply: 5V


But the pico can only provide 3.3V, maybe the voltage is insufficient.

userHeadPic jenna