
Can I bypass the voltage regulator on the board, or is it better not to do that?

userHead Ols.Zhu 2023-07-21 21:36:24 394 Views1 Replies

Hello community! I'm a bit confused :(

The question is as follows: According to the information from the technical description, the max-m10s breakout board ( should be connected to the voltage v+ in the range of 4.5v to 5.5v. The I2C and UART ports on the connector are interfaces directly to the m10 module and operate at a voltage of 0/3.3v. I plan to use the module in a system with a voltage of 3.3v and bypass the voltage regulator on the board to directly supply 3.3v to pin 6 of the connector. The question is: could this cause malfunctions in the operation and compatibility of other board components? What is your opinion?

Any information would be greatly appreciated...Thanks




2023-07-23 18:58:35

The max-m10s breakout board is designed to operate within a specific voltage range (4.5V to 5.5V). Supplying a lower voltage (3.3V) than the recommended range might lead to undervoltage issues. Some components on the board may not function correctly or could behave unpredictably.

As you mentioned, the I2C and UART ports on the connector are designed to operate at a voltage of 3.3V. Using a 3.3V supply should be fine for these interfaces. However, other components on the board may not be designed to work at this voltage, potentially leading to compatibility issues.

Bypassing the voltage regulator on the board to directly supply 3.3V to pin 6 of the connector could be risky. The voltage regulator might serve other components on the board that require the higher voltage (4.5V to 5.5V). By bypassing it, those components might not function correctly or could be damaged due to the lower voltage.

userHeadPic bidrohini.bidrohini