MicroBlocks - Block based live and event-driven approach to Using HuskyLens

userHead tguneysu 2023-07-31 13:37:51 778 Views2 Replies

Hi Everyone,


I wanted to share this info about the real-time / live block-based programming environment MicroBlocks with you all. I know there are several block based environments already mentioned in the product WIKI. However, the real-time / live and event-driven nature of the MicroBlocks environment makes it unique and very easy to experiment with the feature-rich HuskyLens.


Text based programming environment impose a restriction that is not very forgiving for the beginners. The programs must be error free and and runnable for one to experiment. Any changes attempted could result in unintended errors that are hard to detect and solve. And the arduous cycle of writing code, compiling, uploading and executing combined with limited Serial display capabilities makes it had to decipher all the intricacies of the product. This leads many to look for ready-written code to achieve what they have in mind.


I invite you to experiment with the MicroBlocks IDE and play with HuskyLens in a live setting. All the features are supported and can be individually executed by simply clicking on blocks. Even learning and naming objects via the blocks interface is supported. Combined with inspection of various internal messaging constructs and your own variables, this approach quickly leads one to learn and explore the features of the HL. 


There is a detailed WIKI article describing the implementation details with plenty of example code fragments (scripts). All are usable without any worries about the libraries, syntax details, or specific coding sequences to achieve results. 


And one important differentiator of the MicroBlocks environment is the variety of microcontrollers it supports. By selecting a powerful MC such as a Pico2040, or ESP32, or one of the many others in the supported list, you can focus on what the best platform is for the implementation details of your projects, rather than be restricted to the processors you can find in the set of examples you have access to. Your MicroBlocks code will run on any of the supported microcontrollers.


Once you are comfortable with the product and its working principles, you can proceed to the text-based coding environments and implement your projects as you see fit. You will be much better informed about what is needed and how to go about it, instead of being confined to the write-compile-download-execute cycle.


I hope you will find this helpful and give it a try, and make the most of the wonderful product HuskyLens is.

2023-08-01 12:04:03

I also agree. I use MicroBlocks during CoderDojo events and participants love the fact that MicroBlocks means live programming, with no worries about building, compiling and transfering files. It is really plug or in this case unplug and play. For all my own projects with micro:bit, Mbit (ESP32) , PicoBricks (RaspBerry Pi Pico) , Wukong (micro:bit) or Wukong2040 (Raspberry Pi Pico) I always use MicroBlocks. 

userHeadPic PeterMathijssen
2023-08-01 00:06:21

I concur completely – my method to create, digify the world around me, and share STEM tools/training with others always starts with MicroBlocks. If a microcontroller isn't supported by MicroBlocks, or if an external component doesn't have the potential to be supported by a MicroBlocks library (most do), I won't be buying it… ;) 

userHeadPic kgiori