
DFR0972 with M5Stack Basic

userHead Tortoise 2023-08-09 16:15:19 256 Views2 Replies



I try to use DFR0972 I2C Digital to Analog 4-20mA Converter with M5Stack Basic. However, sample code of "setCurrent.ino" results Error Code 2: Device not found. I have also tried to change pin No to 22 and 21, which M5stack uses for I2C connection, but it does not work. 


Could anyone helps me to tell description how I can fix it up. Any help would be appriciated. 





2023-08-09 22:33:02

I'm not too familiar with the M5Stack, but I think this is the ESP32 based board after I Google it.

Could you be sure that the 

GPIO22 to SCL, and GPIO21 to SDA?


And did you power the module with 18-24V DC.


Because I have noticed that the onboard chip--GP8302 is powered by the VIN pin.

Which is here:

If your wire connection is good, please upload the I2C scanner for the ESP32 to see if there is an I2C address.


Here is the I2C scanner I found on the ESP forum:

userHeadPic Yeez_B
Tortoise wrote:

Thank you for your advise.

I could fix my wire connection; Accordingly, It start working.

Appliciate your comment. Thanks.




2023-08-11 06:35:21
1 Replies