Forum >Maqueen Plus V2: How to connect servo motors (from Mechanic Set)?
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Maqueen Plus V2: How to connect servo motors (from Mechanic Set)?

userHead Maximum.Flo 2023-08-12 06:07:13 1074 Views2 Replies

Hi everyone, 


I am currently playing around with the Maqueen Plus V2 and the Mechanic Set. I am trying to connect a servo motor to the Maqueen, but I can't get it to actually do something.


Firstly, I cannot find a servo “block” command in the Maqueen Plus V2 extension on Makecode. There is one in the “normal” maqueen extension and one in the maqueen plus extension, but not in the v2 one. Using the Maqueen Plus extension did not work, the servo motor does not move at all…


So I tried a more low level approach and sent the corresponding bytes directly via i2c (address 0x10, followed by 0x14 for the first servo port and the angle to turn to) in micropython. That too does nothing, however. On the maqueen, this approach works fine.


I also noticed that on the V2 model, the Servo Ports are labelled with VBAT instead of VCC (in the older models), maybe that has something to do with it?


I would really appreciate any hints or tips on how to get the servo motors to work with the Maqueen Plus V2.


Thanks in Advance!



2025-01-12 07:15:53



This reply is a bit late, but I just had the same problem. Try adding the microbit "servo" extension which uses P0, P1 and P2. If you use P0, make sure to switch off the P0 “sound” switch next to the Power switch on the Maqueen Plus V2.0 board. Also note that the servos are using VBAT (the battery voltage). I have the Lithium Battery version with a nominal voltage of 3.7 volts which is a bit low for most servos. You should have 4 volts or more for reliable servo operation. Good luck.

userHeadPic joe.heiderman
2023-12-27 03:16:16

Hi there,

I am very disappointed with DFRobot support. Their products look unfinished. Too bad!!!

It's sad that Maqueen Plus V2 Microbit library does not have any blocks for controlling servo.

Instructions on their Wiki are useless.

Some of their Getting Started projects even does not work at all.

userHeadPic pk3