
Solar Power Manager

userHead Pranav.Vijay 2023-08-31 06:32:28 513 Views4 Replies


Will it be possible to charge a Orange 3.7V 1000mAh 30C 1S Lithium Polymer Battery Pack usng a DFRobot 5V Solar power manager ?

2023-08-31 20:32:55

But it's mentioned that we should use 900 mAh battery for Bat in. The battery I mentioned is 1000 mAh. Will there be any problems?

userHeadPic Pranav.Vijay
Yeez_B wrote:

Battery capacity has nothing to do with whether it can be charged, it only depends on the type of battery and the charging voltage.Solar Power Manager can charge any 3.7V Lipo.

2023-08-31 22:44:04
pg1961 wrote:

Hi, you said: “Solar Power Manager can charge any 3.7V Lipo.” So if i need more battery capacity, may I  put two or more batteries in parallel on DFR00559 ?



2024-01-24 03:22:56
2 Replies
2023-08-31 10:47:02

Sure, this module can charge to 3.7V Li battery.

userHeadPic Afra