
Maqueen Plus V2 Pinout

userHead alexMartinez 2023-09-01 08:27:39 625 Views3 Replies

Where I can find the Pinout for the Maqueen Plus V2?

2023-09-03 20:32:50

I found on the github page ultrasonic sensor could be connected to Pin 13 and Pin 14:


  /**    * Acquiring ultrasonic data    * @param trig trig pin selection enumeration, eg:DigitalPin.P13    * @param echo echo pin selection enumeration, eg:DigitalPin.P14    */


more info will follow

userHeadPic alexMartinez
2023-09-01 10:41:29

What a coincidence, I was reading the detailed essay on the Maqueen Plus V2 and you asked for it. It is in the "Education" section of DFRobot and I think you must read it for the details. Definitely, it is helpful for you.

userHeadPic Amelia.Smith
alexMartinez wrote:

Sorry, Not helpful, I can not find the Maqueen Plus V2 Pins conected to the micro:bit in the “Education” section.

2023-09-02 20:36:49
1 Replies