
I'm having trouble getting the encoder outputs to work with FIT0487

userHead Andrew.Hobbs 2023-10-05 19:59:53 344 Views1 Replies

I have a setup where I'm using an FIT0487 at 6V to control the motor, while the Encoder is operating at 3.3V (confirmed by the green LED being lit). To ensure compatibility, I have connected the Encoder outputs to a 10Kohm resistor for pull-up to 3.3V. I'm unsure about the next steps to troubleshoot this. 

Any suggestions? Thanks.


2023-10-08 00:41:07



This is the 12v motor module wiki, FIT0487 and FIT0403 are similar.


You could check it how to use, and remember to use 6v powered on.

userHeadPic Afra