General Arduino

Determining DFRobot ATMega32U4 to Leonardo pinout equivalents

userHead Bob_Da_Ham 2023-10-18 08:07:30 167 Views0 Replies



I have instructions for using an ATMega32U4 device (unknown specific board) to act as a keyboard device for computer input and for wiring the 3.5mm jack it states:


"you have to connect :

GND  -> GND on the ATMEGA

TIP -> pin 2 on the ATMEGA

pin 4  on the ATMEGA - > GND on the ATMEGA"


In the Arduino sketch accompanying the instructions, the pins are;

# define DIH_PIN PB12
# define DAH_PIN PB13
# define MODE_PIN PB14


But I can't even find these pins on the Leonardo pinout diagrams let alone the Beetle.


Can anyone tell me which of "pin 2" and "pin 4" on the Atmega (Arduino Leonardo) would correspond to pins on the DFRobot Beetle?


BTW this sketch uses the Arduino keyboard.h library


Thanks RT