Bluno General Arduino

bluno beetle and MIT App Inventor

userHead kirkvarra 2017-12-01 23:48:07 5475 Views4 Replies
I am using MIT App Inventor to build an Android app. The App Inventory has a Bluetooth module to drop onto the screen. how do i interface with the Bluno from this? you have virtually no documentation that i can find that explains much other than the same few things over and over.
2019-01-09 04:26:43 Was able to get data using this. Most of the labels were for debugging purposes. Even though three characteristics were initialized, the only one being used is the third one ("characteristic"). userHeadPic tug04420
2018-11-03 03:14:55 I'm still having issues with this. Here's what I've got so far I can connect but can't receive data. I've tried getting the characteristic UURI directly (I'm informed that that service doesn't advertise itself) and coding the UURI returned by a BLE scanner for the serial port service manually (doing so as a hex string or a decimal both cause the app to crash). Interestingly the same BLE scanner says that the serial port service UURI is one digit out from the one given in (the 8th digit being a 0 rather than a 1) but neither seems to work.

Can you either tell me what I'm doing wrong or (even better!) point me at a working version I can peruse / adapt please? I'd also suggest/plead that you link to said working version on the FAQs for Bluno because AI appears to be much more accessible for amateurs than Android Studio.

Thanks in anticipation/hope.

userHeadPic jongbray
2017-12-19 17:08:21 Sorry for the late.
Since we haven't make any instruction about how to use MIT app inventor, we can just reply to you by your question.
To connect the BLE device to app inventor, first, the BLE should be BLE 2.0, BLE 4.0 is not supported, and you need to use graphic coding to define the button to realize when it is pressed, then the bluetooth could be connected.
userHeadPic robert.chen
2017-12-12 13:48:36 This is some horrible support. I would t be buying anymore products here no matter the quality. userHeadPic kirkvarra