
SEN0220 IR CO2 sensor - difference in sensor output

userHead tamara.baji 2017-12-09 17:14:54 3538 Views8 Replies
I recently bought two SEN0220 IR CO2 sensors and compared their performances. The result of this experiment is shown in the attached graph. The devices showed differences in their outputs ranging from ~500 ppm (while being exposed to lower concentrations of CO2) up to ~2000 ppm (in higher concentrations of CO2). The sensors were connected to separate Arduino devices running the same code and placed at the same distance from the source of CO2.

Could You give an explanation on this behavior? Is there a way to recalibrate the sensors to get same responses to the change of CO2 concentration?
icon 20171208_SEN0220_2_devs_comp_kvasac_2_ard_02_eng.png Download(0)
2018-08-21 17:46:35 Here is a definition of the sensor pins, you can send the command through serial. userHeadPic robert.chen
2018-08-21 01:42:43 Hello,
After using the sensors quite some time now, I would like to recalibrate them. The datasheet offers some information on calibrating zero and span points. Could you tell me what concentrations of CO2 should I expose the sensors to when determining zero and span point, respectively?
userHeadPic tamara.baji
2018-03-21 11:15:11 If the sensor doesn't give reliable outputs, you can try to calibrate the sensor, which is run it in the fresh air for over 24 hours, the sensor would calibrate automatically. userHeadPic robert.chen
2018-03-17 22:15:37 Hello. I too recently bought two sen0220 co2 sensors. For about a week they both gave more or less the same reading. Now if I put the sensors outside, in the open, one reads about 450ppm (which should be correct), the other goes down to zero (which i presume is the one to reset) and always remains about 500ppm lower than the first.
Is it possibile to get more info on how to reset or can I return the item for a substitute?
Thank you.
userHeadPic margieeroby
2017-12-16 02:04:51 I was curious about this technical data so that I could plan the experiments in which these sensors are going to be involved in accordingly. userHeadPic tamara.baji
2017-12-14 16:32:11 Why do you need the minimal working pressure? userHeadPic robert.chen
2017-12-11 16:39:16 Could You tell me what the minimal working pressure of this sensor is? userHeadPic tamara.baji
2017-12-11 16:13:49 In this sensor's datasheet, it gives the command of calibrating zero, you can try this to calibrate both first userHeadPic robert.chen