
5" TFT RPi display won't start, has never started

userHead Phydeux 2023-12-15 05:04:11 170 Views1 Replies

I finally got around to building my Pi4 project consisting of a Pi4 Lite, Oratek TOFU carrier board, and the DFRobot 5" display.

This is my first time working with any Pi hardware and Linux, so I'm not sure what I'm doing.  That said, I can't seem to get the display to work.  The TOFU board comes with a custom DSI display cable that shrinks the connector to fit their board.  And despite connecting the display properly, I don't see any backlight or display.  Nor do I know how to troubleshoot from here.


I did run the driver installs Oratek recommended:  sudo dtc -I dts -O dtb -o dt-blob-disp1-cam1.dtb dt-blob-disp1-cam1.dts  and sudo cp dt-blob-disp1-cam1.dtb /boot/dt-blob.bin


Any help would be much appreciated.

2023-12-19 11:46:02

Turns out I simply had the cable in backwards.  However, I now need to know how to calibrate the screen.  All the information I can find regarding calibration tools seems very outdated.  Please let me know what I need to do for the 5" DFRobot display.

userHeadPic Phydeux