Forum >Gravity: Waterproof DS18B20 Temperature Sensor Kit

Gravity: Waterproof DS18B20 Temperature Sensor Kit

userHead -jim 2023-12-17 02:50:28 250 Views1 Replies

Okay I am lost on how to connect the temperature probe to the plastic grey connectors on the Gravity: Terminal Sensor Adapter V2.0 .


I have tried to insert the wires into the connector and press really hard but they still just fall out.


The wires on the probe were delivered pre-tinned and I was wondering if the connector expects to be stranded wire?


Also there is no consistent instructions on the order of the probe wires to the Terminal Sensor Adapter V2.0.

Here they show the wires as:

A - Blue - Should we assume this is Data?

B - Red - Should we assume this is VCC?

C - Black - Should we assume this is GND?


Yet the probe I received has Yellow, Red, Black wires.


Any ideas would be appreciated.



2023-12-19 06:36:58

From what i've understood, the red is +, black - and yellow is dataline.

By using the Adapter you get only a change in color for dataline, this is green with the delivered cable from the picture.

I get my Adapter board in a couple of days, i'll let you know how i did it when mine is running.


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