
mmWave board hanging sketch

userHead johnwargo 2023-12-18 02:10:07 184 Views4 Replies

I have two copies of the mmWave board and I can't make them work. When I first got them, I wired one up and got it working then wrote about it here:


I'm trying to wire the board into my project and now, suddenly, the code simply won't work. Here's a link to the code:


The board initializes (which takes 12 seconds), but then when the sketch makes a call to `readPresenceDetection`, the sketch hangs and nothing executes after that line of code. 


I dug out my second board and wired it in and it does the same thing. I don't understand what's different here. I've now tried two different Feather boards and two different mmWave boards. 


Any ideas anyone?

2024-04-12 06:27:55

@yeez_B I don't know enough about ESP32 serial ports to understand what you mean by try another serial port. 

userHeadPic johnwargo
2024-04-11 14:29:10

I'm not very familiar with Adafruit's ESP32 board, but are you sure that GPIO20 can be used as a serial port? At least could not find the description in the Pinout of this board.

userHeadPic Yeez_B
Yeez_B wrote:

Maybe you could try on another Serial port

2024-04-11 15:57:14
1 Replies
2023-12-18 02:16:07

BTW - the board I'm using here is a Adafruit ESP32 Feather V2 which is why I'm using HardwareSerial in my sketch.

userHeadPic johnwargo