
L298N motor driver module DF-MD v1.4

userHead KodeKeith 2023-12-22 02:03:57 242 Views1 Replies

The Wiki for this product relates to v1.3 no v1.4


I am driving this from a PI Pico - the PWM seems to work ok provided I put a jumper on the enable pin rather than try and drive it from an Pin.OUT on the Pico.

I think this is because the PIico is only 3.3v - if i just tap a high line or the 3.3v Out of the Pico the status LEDs on this board do briefly flash up as though it is high and then go off I assume cause of some sort of drain happening.


It there a way I can drive the pin from a Pico with minimal other components?


The PWM pin seems to work fin although 32768 on the duty cycle is 0v and 0 & 65000 are +/- VS - I am using a 24v supply to drive the outputs.


Help on driving the enable pin would be great thanks.  Guess it will end up beeing a trasistor and bits :(
Or what I want is a board to drive one or two solinoids first at full power and then drop back to 25% so as not to cook the coil of the solinoid when it is been held open.  THe time is not that important - just a hard pull initially to ensure it opens the flow as it is beer under presure - then it just needs to be held open against its string until you need to stop at which point going back to zero means the flow stops as the string pushes closed

Micro Python:

pin = 'GP17'
pwm = PWM(pin, freq=2000, duty_u16=32768)

2023-12-24 15:53:51

Your module may need servicing. Hope DFRobot will contact you soon. By the way, if you want to make an L298 motor driver module by yourself, you can see here:

userHeadPic lia.ifat