Questions About SIM7000E

userHead Sarah.Simon 2024-01-07 04:57:00 264 Views0 Replies

Hi, I’m new here and would really appreciate your help.

I am currently working on a university project for which I have to use SIM7000E to enable SMS/ VoLTE and I am facing a couple of doubts regarding its functionality.

I have the DFRobot SIM7000E plugged into an Arduino Uno (the pins of the SIM7000E align on top of the Uno’s). I switched the SIM7000E’s switch to D7,D8 to enable software serial communication with the Uno. I also want to establish communication between multiple boards as each of them has different sensors connected to them. The connections are as follows:

1) connect an ESP32-Cam to the SIM7000E’s TX and RX pins (while it is plugged into the Uno)2) connect pins 5 and 6 of the SIM7000E to an Arduino Mega’s Tx and Rx pins.

Will communication between the boards work? Also, I am worried if the switch on the SIM7000E indicates that it can only achieve serial communication using only one set of pins at a time (pins 7 and 8 or pins 0 and 1 (Tx and Rx)).
Thank you in advance!