How to choose components for using Arduino with sensors?

userHead Harold.chaeso 2024-01-11 22:26:22 525 Views2 Replies

I have some experience with Arduino but consider myself a beginner. I want to use pH and EC sensors with Arduino Uno or Mega, but I'm not sure what to purchase.
Do I only need to buy these two products, or are there additional components I should consider?


2024-01-12 18:04:37

Thank you for your response.

There are two types of pH sensors, and the pro model seems much more expensive. I plan to use it in a fish tank, so under these conditions, approximately how much longer is the lifespan of the pro model?

userHeadPic Harold.chaeso
2024-01-12 17:13:00

You can use the IO expansion shield to simplify your wiring.

IO extension shield:


Also, if you want to use EC and pH sensors in the same solution, since the EC sensor sends a high frequency electrical signal into the water when measuring the solution.
We recommend that you use two analog isolators to ensure stable pH sensor measurements.

Analog signal isolator:

userHeadPic Yeez_B