How to choose components for using Arduino with sensors?

I have some experience with Arduino but consider myself a beginner. I want to use pH and EC sensors with Arduino Uno or Mega, but I'm not sure what to purchase.
Do I only need to buy these two products, or are there additional components I should consider?
Thank you for your response.
There are two types of pH sensors, and the pro model seems much more expensive. I plan to use it in a fish tank, so under these conditions, approximately how much longer is the lifespan of the pro model?

You can use the IO expansion shield to simplify your wiring.
IO extension shield:
Also, if you want to use EC and pH sensors in the same solution, since the EC sensor sends a high frequency electrical signal into the water when measuring the solution.
We recommend that you use two analog isolators to ensure stable pH sensor measurements.
Analog signal isolator: