
LWLP5000 diff.pressure sensor

userHead Miklós.Zsolnay 2024-01-29 22:33:27 117 Views1 Replies

Hello Community !


I have a technical question regarding LWLP5000 differential pressure sensors. The sensor always reports 0 Pa when powered up and started. Even if there is pressure already applied at this time. 


In a real world application ( reviewing differential pressure on an air filter) I cannot guarantee, that in the moment of startup of sensor there will be no pressure.


How to solve this ?


Thank you for any input !



2024-01-30 18:06:03

If you uploaded sample code.
This sensor will automatically perform a calibration after being powered on. The sensor will take the current pressure difference between the two nozzles as 0pa.
I think you can use manual calibration, entering the pressure difference between the two nozzles yourself.


userHeadPic Yeez_B