General ArduinoGravity

Ozone Sensor SEN0321 I2C stops working indefinitely

userHead Daniel.Burgues 2024-02-12 14:37:12 544 Views1 Replies


After one day of operation, it has stopped working.

I am using the software from


I left the sensor in a clean ozone place (Viella, Spain) for 24 hours. Without disconnecting the sensor, I put it in an ozone chamber with 400 ppb ozone. 

After one day, the readings went down until they reached 0. I switched the system off and after one hour I switched it on again and got the same result.

At the 24 hour start, it read 20 and went up to 180 ppb. Now, it reads 0 constantly.
My setup is an original Arduino one. I have checked the connections. When I connect it, the serial port says "I2c connect success !" but the readings are 0.


02/11/2024 23:14:24    Ozone;0;PPB;0; Constantly
02/11/2024 23:04:24    Ozone;63;PPB;0;
02/11/2024 22:54:31    Ozone;324;PPB;0;
02/11/2024 22:44:17    Ozone;331;PPB;0;


What could be happening to make it not work?



Thanks for your advice

2024-02-13 15:35:51

I have apparently been able to solve the problem.


After about 12 hours, I tested the sensor again and it worked again.


The timer in the original Arduino program has gone from 1 second to 60 seconds and the readings are more stable and continuous for the last 10 hours.

I have changed Ozone.SetModes(MEASURE_MODE_PASSIVE); to Ozone.SetModes(MEASURE_MODE_AUTOMATIC);. This parameter is not clear to me what it does.

I have an ozone meter that has an integrated temperature sensor and humidity sensor and I have had to do a conversion as the sensor reads very different from the meter. I have disassembled the meter and they have the same sensor!!

The meter reads 0.28ppm=280ppb and the sensor reads 706 ppb=0.706ppm.
The meter reads 0.55ppm=550ppb and the sensor reads 804 ppb=0.804ppm.

I will report if during these days, it has continued to work.

userHeadPic Daniel.Burgues