BMX160+BMP388 Address Problem
im using the BMX160+BMP388 to get some data about wavemovements.
I also use an RTC DS3231 (0x68). The default address of the BMX160 ist 0x68 and I physically changed it to 0x69.
With the RTC connected, the sensor getting bad data. If i disconnect the RTC, the BMX160 is not initialising.
I think its initialising on the address 0x68. I tried to change the i2C address in the headerfile but the problem is still there.
How can I solve this problem?
Many thanks for your answers.
Best regards
Max Steinkamp
thank you for your answer. I scanned it and this is the output (not welded):
I2C device found at address 0x68 !
I2C device found at address 0x76 !
If i weld it to change the address its:
I2C device found at address 0x69 !
I2C device found at address 0x76 !
So its changing but while initialising its only working for 0x68. I need to make it work with 0x69.
Much thanks
Max-Luca.SteinkampYou can try to change this address in the DFRobot_BMX160.h file to 0x69
Have you tried to use an I2C scanning program to check the changed I2C address? If you are using Arduino IDE, you can try the following code.
#include <Wire.h> // Include the Wire library for I2C communication
// Setup function initializes the serial communication and I2C
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize serial communication with a baud rate of 9600
Wire.begin(); // Initialize the I2C communication
Serial.println("Start I2C address scan"); // Print a message to indicate the scan is starting
// Loop function continuously scans for I2C devices
void loop() {
byte device_address; // Variable to store the I2C device address
int nDevices; // Variable to store the number of devices found
// Search for devices on the I2C bus
nDevices = Wire.scan(); // Perform the scan and store the number of devices found
// Print the number of devices found
Serial.print("Number of devices found: ");
// Loop through all the devices found
for (int i = 0; i < nDevices; i++) {
// Get the address of the current device
device_address = Wire.getDeviceList();
// Print the device address
Serial.print("Device address: ");
Serial.print(device_address, HEX); // Print the address in hexadecimal format
Serial.println(" (0x"); // Print a prefix to indicate hexadecimal format
// Wait for a few seconds before scanning again