Think I Might Have Bricked My Unihiker

Every so often, when you first start running a Python program in Mind+, the IDE takes several seconds to erase some memory locations on the Unihiker. On one such occasion, I accidentally hit the Stop button. Now I get an error message if I try to run a program that has code to read an analog value from a sensor connected to one of the 3 pin I/O ports on the side of the Unihiker.
I was getting this happen at times myself. But this may explain it :)
" It means that PinPong firmware initialization failed.
Case 1: It may be that multiple programs are running at the same time. For example, a program is started in the home menu of the board, and another program is run in Mind+. Both programs use the pinpong library.
Solution: first try to press and hold the Home button for 5 seconds and release it, which will close all currently running python programs, and restart the board if an error is still reported.
Case 2: You can try to re-initialize the mcu firmware,run this code:
from pinpong.board import Board
from bottom of page at:

I tried the re-install of the OS on, but after I downloaded the image file and tried to load it as in step 3, I got a message saying the the image was damaged.

This error usually means that there is a program running on the Unihiker that includes pinpong. You can try refreshing the firmware of the GD32 coprocessor, as per these instructions:

Would you post your code and your error message?
Or try to re-install the OS?

Thanks for the quick reply. Here's the code snippet:
from pinpong.board import *
import time
adc = ADC(Pin(Pin.P21))
while True:
value =
and here's the error message:
RuntimeError: *** Analog map retrieval timed out *** Do you have Arduino connectivity and do you have the correct Firmata sketch uploaded to the board?
Thanks for OS re-install link; I'll give it a try.