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Wind direction sensor SEN0482 with Controllino

userHead Morten.Koch 2024-03-07 17:55:35 263 Views1 Replies



I have a problem with getting readable words from the serialmonitor. 

I want to read degrees or dircetions (North, East etc.)


The things I get is square symbols, sometimes a E or a U.


I use the code from this guide:



- Controllino maxi - SEN0482 wind direction sensor (Modbus protocol) 





2024-03-08 11:10:28


would you post the screenshot of your serial monitor as well?


The orientation of SEN0482 should be taken from the array of Orientation values.
Also, if you are using the sample code. Please check if your serial port baud rate is 115200 or try another 485 converter? 

userHeadPic Yeez_B