General Gravity

Accesing data from UART MP3 Voice Module Flash Memory

userHead Francisco.Lopez-Linares 2024-03-11 02:24:47 105 Views0 Replies



For a project I'm, working on, I need and arduino MKR1010 to make quite a lot of things, two of them are:


- Play some wav files. - Get some basic data from the end user (wifi name and password and a couple more text details).


I was thinking that MKR1010 can play wav files, and that I only needed some SD card or simlar to save the wav files, and also this SD would be fine to save the user texts I need.


Problem with this approach is that I need the MKR to do a lo of tasks, and I think reproducing wav files consumes too much resources…


So I came acroos with this “Gravity: UART MP3 Voice Module with 8MB Flash Memory”, that I think is great for this porpuse,  the issue is that I think MKR can't acess any data from the flash memory to get the user data… can it?


So I still need the SD shield module only for getting the data, wich doesn't make much sense to me….


Can anyone hlep me with a better idea?