
Firebeetle 2 - DFR0654 power

userHead DanCarroll 2024-03-26 06:27:05 265 Views4 Replies

This page suggests that VIN can be used for supplying power to the board.

But VIN is directly connected to the USB V+ pin.     So if I wish to power via a 5v regulator external to the board, but later wish to connect the USB for programming, then I should disconnect the regulator or at least put a suitable diode on it.

How about powering via the battery port?   if I supply 5v to this pin, and then connect the USB for programming, will the charge circuit be damaged?   Or will it simply ignore the power since it's > 4.2v?

Finally - is it another option to supply 3.3v directly to the 3v3 pin?   Is this dangerous if either USB or a battery is connected?

2024-04-05 18:37:17

If you supply 5V to the pin and then connect USB for programming, the charger circuit may not be damaged if it's designed correctly. Many modern charger circuits are capable of detecting the power source and adjusting the current accordingly. However, without proper power regulation circuitry or if the power source is supplied with excessive voltage, it could potentially damage heardle or even burn sensitive components on the circuit.

userHeadPic Joy.Marry
2024-04-05 18:35:50

Providing a direct 3.3V power supply to the 3V3 pin can be safe if you ensure that the power source is stable and does not exceed the circuit's allowable limits. However, when connecting heardle to USB or pins, it's crucial to ensure that the power supply does not have a higher or unstable voltage, as this could lead to damage or even combustion of sensitive components.

In both cases, it's essential to verify and ensure that the power supply is designed and adjusted correctly to avoid damage or hazards to the circuit. For sensitive applications, using voltage and current monitoring systems can be beneficial to ensure safety and protect the electronic circuitry.

userHeadPic Joy.Marry
DanCarroll wrote:

Thanks for getting back to this Joy.
Just to be clear can you tell me if the following is true:

* USB + Battery is OK and as per design.
* USB + 5v onto the VIN pin is probably a bad idea.
* USB + 5v onto the BATT+ pin is OK if the power source is stable.
* USB + 3.3v onto the 3.3v pin is also safe if the power source is stable.

Actually the only thing I wish to achieve is how to safely power the device from a power supply without risking something (my laptop or the device) if I want to connect to the USB.    


2024-04-09 11:11:29
1 Replies
2024-04-01 18:57:14

Are these forums monitored anymore by the DFR team?   

userHeadPic DanCarroll